Geotechnical DFR Demo 2.0 Demo Version

Hi, here we provide you APK file of "Daily Field Report" apk file version: 2.0 Demo Version to download and install for your android. It's easy and warranty.
  • Version: 2.0 Demo Version
    Version Code: 2
    Package: ecmg.gdfr
  • 916 KB (937,899 bytes)
  • Android 4.0.3+
  • -
  • file hash (MD5):
  • file signature (SHA1):
  • Uploaded 2018/28/01
    by ECM Geotechnical
  • Warning detected: in quene...
  • Productivity
  • GooglePlay
Description of Geotechnical DFR Demo
A SD card is needed. We design the app to store information on a SD card because, in case of phone failure, it is much easier to recover data in the field from a SD card than from the phone memory. We recommend using a fast (Class 10) SD card.

Geotechnical Daily Field Report (GDFR) is an Android app designed for geotechnical engineers and geotechnical engineering technicians to generate daily field reports in the field using an Android phone.

• All you need is an Android phone. There is no need to carry a laptop computer, a camera, a GPS unit, or blank paper forms.

• The app can take photographs, and do photo-management, using your phone. There is no need for a separate computer program to do photo-management.

• If you want, you can record GPS coordinates of field density test locations, and the app can generate a test location map for you. There are four types of maps that you can use, they are “Roadmap”, “Satellite”, “Terrain”, and “Hybrid”. You can adjust the scale of the map on your phone.

• If you want, you can record GPS coordinates of photograph locations, and the app can generate a photograph location map for you. There are four types of maps that you can use, they are “Roadmap”, “Satellite”, “Terrain”, and “Hybrid”. You can adjust the scale of the map on your phone.

• Once the general project information is inputted during the first trip, it will be populated in the subsequent trip reports. There is no need to input it again, which will save you time.

• The app supports voice recognition, which could save you time.

• You can preview your daily reports on your phone in the field.

• The app includes a DRAW function which can be used to highlight important information on the daily field reports, and to sign reports.

• After reviewing and signing your reports, you can then saved/printed them on your phone in the field. The report pages are saved/printed as picture files (.png files) which can then be emailed, viewed, and printed on any computer operating systems using standard photo-handling programs.

• At the end of a trip, the app can generate an email to send the reports and associated files back to the office for backup and reporting purposes.

• At the end of a project, the app can generate a summary of field density tests, which can then be imported into a spreadsheet program, for the preparation of your final report. Just imagine the time you could save by using this function of the app comparing to creating the summary yourself by hand.

• The app will be customized to include your company logo, company name, and phone number, as the letterhead of the daily field reports.

• The app has no ads, and it does not track or mine your personal information.

• There is no monthly fee to pay. You do not need to log on to a server to create daily field reports.

All these features are packed into a small android app that you probably will be using everyday. Carrying blank paper forms will be a thing of the past. This app will save you time and money. If you already have the laboratory compaction test data in the field, you can email your draft daily reports to your project manager for review before you leave the site. Once approved, you can then finalize your daily reports in the field, and they are basically done before you leave the site. This app makes your reports truly daily field reports as they are completed in the field, and not at the end of the day after you get back to the office, or even worse, days later when you have time to do it. As this app is designed to run on a phone, from a safety standpoint, this app could reduce the number of trips between your truck and the test location, so the nuclear gauge would stay close to you.

More importantly, this app is fun to use. The future is here. Download the demo app and test it out, and then tell us what we can do for you and your company. Please send all questions and/or suggestions to
Screenshosts of Daily Field Report

Other Daily Field Report APK versions for Android

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